Women's History Month Events

Speaker Susan Shapiro

 Expect a lively conversation with Susan Shapiro the author of The Forgiveness Tour along with Jaci Cress, Darold Bigger, and Jody Washburn

 March 4, 2025 @ 6:30 in the Melvin K. West Fine Arts Center Auditorium

Bio-Susan Shapiro freelances for the New York Times, Washington Post, WSJ, LA Times, NY Magazine, Slate, Salon, Elle, Oprah, Wired & New Yorker online. She's the bestselling author of many books her family hates like recent memoirs American Shield and The Forgiveness Tour. She's an award-winning professor who has used her writing/publishing guides The Book Bible and Byline Bible to teach her popular “instant gratification takes too long” courses at The New School, NYU, Columbia University and in private classes & seminars-now online.